Sudden Diction

By what is usually called "sudden diction"
(excised from Wordsworth's 1802 appendix)

I have no right... impossible, imperfectly... compelled... meaning... exact notion of the sense in which I use the phrase [sudden] diction... origin... condemned... earliest Poets of all nations... wrote... passion excited by real events... naturally... feeling powerfully... language... daring and figurative... succeeding... perceiving... producing... set themselves to... speech... made use... applied them to feelings... ideas... sensibly produced... real language... in any situation... perturbed and unusual... willing... instinctive... infallible... agitation and confusion... delightful... confounded... distorted... received... expressions... dictated by real passion... spirit... sense and nature...

... true... language... ordinary language... language of extraordinary occasions,,, spoken... language... uttered... affected by... events... heard uttered... around... metre... read or heard... moved in... real life,... manifestly... real life... feeling succeeding... a phraseology which had one thing... the genuine language... in ordinary conversation... spoke a language... of... circumstance... found... spirit... symbol... promise... possessed... inseparably interwoven... diction... thrusting... masquerade... hieroglyphics, and enigmas...

...pleasure... peculiarity and exaltation... unsettling ordinary habits of thinking... enjoyment... ought to bestow....